About the Journal

All-Ukrainian Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Journal «Radiotekhnika» was founded and has been published since 1965. Founder – Kharkov Institute of Mining Machinery, Automation and Computer Engineering, now Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE).

The Journal Radiotekhnika is Registered in the Register of Subjects in the Media Sphere of Ukraine.
The collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category «Б», technical and physical-mathematical sciences (approved by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science: from 17.03.2020 № 409; from 02.07.2020 № 886; from 24.09.2020 № 1188).
The index in the Catalog of subscription editions of Ukraine is 08391.
Frequency of publication – 4 times a year.

Specialties on which the editorial board of the Journal publishes articles:

105 – Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
125 – Cybersecurity
163 – Biomedical Engineering
171 – Electronics
172 – Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
173 – Avionics
174 – Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies and Robotics
175 – Metrology and information-measuring technique
176 – Micro and Nanosystem Technology

Previously unpublished articles in English and Ukrainian are accepted for consideration. All articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to external and internal (members of the editorial board) review.

Editorial Team:

105 – Applied Physics and Nanomaterials

125 – Cybersecurity

163 – Biomedical Engineering

171 – Electronics

172 – Telecommunications and Radio Engineering

173 – Avionics

174 – Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies and Robotics

175 – Metrology and information-measuring technique

176 – Micro and Nanosystem Technology

Members of the editorial board of foreign scientific institutions and educational institutions

Current Issue

No. 216 (2024): Radiotekhnika
Published: 2024-03-20


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