Examples of determining the rank of a number represented in the non-position system of residual classes


  • V.A. Krasnobayev
  • A.A. Zamula
  • A.S. Yanko




rank, deduction, number system, remainder, overflow, code tag, speed, arithmetic operation


Possible methods are considered for determining the positional feature of the non-position code (PFNC) of the number system in residual classes (SRC) of the rank of a number. Two methods for determining the rank of a number in a SRC are presented. The main attention is paid to the method of determining the rank of a number based on using the result of the proof of the theorem on the rank of the sum of two numbers. Examples of a specific definition of the rank of a number are given.


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How to Cite

Krasnobayev, V., Zamula, A., & Yanko, A. (2018). Examples of determining the rank of a number represented in the non-position system of residual classes. Radiotekhnika, 2(193), 143–151. https://doi.org/10.30837/rt.2018.2.193.14


