Verification of the hexagonal communication grid by infinite Petri nets


  • T.R. Shmeleva



computing grids, hexagonal communication structure, infinite Petri net, direct parametric specification, linear invariant, verification of protocols


A formal direct parametric description of the hexagonal grid model with side k is constructed according to the specified grid composition rules. A system of linear equations is constructed for finding invariants of positions on the basis of a direct description of the model. A method for calculating linear invariants of infinite Petri nets with a regular structure for an open hexagonal grid is used, and a solution of a system of linear equations in parametric form is obtained. It is proved that the hexagonal grid model, represented in the form of infinite Petri net, is a p-invariant Petri net for an arbitrary natural number k and has the boundedness and conservativeness properties. Communication grids, representing the implementation of the studied model, can be constructed using devices with limited capacity without overflow.


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How to Cite

Shmeleva, T. (2018). Verification of the hexagonal communication grid by infinite Petri nets. Radiotekhnika, 3(194), 38–45.


