Simulation of a waveguide turnstile connection with a square waveguide output for the incoherent scatter radar antenna


  • Я.Н. Чепурный
  • С.В. Черняев
  • И.Б. Скляров


The computer simulation of the turnstile connection with a square waveguide output has been carried out. The matching unit dimensions have been optimized, and the main characteristics have been obtained. The use of the connection as a polarizer and antenna switch for incoherent scatter radar is proposed.


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How to Cite

Чепурный, Я., Черняев, С., & Скляров, И. (2012). Simulation of a waveguide turnstile connection with a square waveguide output for the incoherent scatter radar antenna. Radiotekhnika, 3(170), 132–136. Retrieved from


