Research into the phase shift between the waves branched by slots cut through a wide wall of the plane semi-open metal-dielectric waveguide


  • И.Л. Афонин
  • И.В. Лащенко
  • Г.В. Боков


Transmission of electromagnetic energy of the centimetre wave range is carried out mainly through the waveguides of rectangular section and strip lines. The plane semi-open metal-dielectric waveguide can serve as alternative to these devices. To estimate the parameters of the devices developed on the basis of this waveguide the measuring instrument is offered, the two-detection waveguide and slotted-guide converter is the basis of its microwave part. The principle of operation of this transformer requires a quasi-constancy of phase deviation in the frequency band. An invariance of phase drift is possible to achieve by distance alteration between slots, and change of an angle of their pitch.


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How to Cite

Афонин, И., Лащенко, И., & Боков, Г. (2012). Research into the phase shift between the waves branched by slots cut through a wide wall of the plane semi-open metal-dielectric waveguide. Radiotekhnika, 3(170), 66–72. Retrieved from


