On the solving of Poisson’s equation for a cylindrical interaction region


  • А.В. Грицунов
  • И.Н. Бондаренко
  • В.П. Карнаушенко
  • М.И. Пятайкина
  • А.В. Сова




electrostatic potential, Fourier analysis, eigenfunction, cyclic reduction


A new numerical method for fast solving of Poisson’s equation in the simply connected interaction regions of O-type vacuum microwave devices is described. The principal specificity of this method, so-called Fourier analysis and eigenfunction decomposition (FAED), consists in using the finite Fourier series for the approximation of the radial dependence of electrostatic potential instead of the well-known Hockney’s cyclic reduction (CR) algorithm. This allows using Neumann boundary condition for the electrostatic potential at the axis of the interaction region instead of Dirichlet one, as in M-type devices.


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How to Cite

Грицунов, А., Бондаренко, И., Карнаушенко, В., Пятайкина, М., & Сова, А. (2019). On the solving of Poisson’s equation for a cylindrical interaction region. Radiotekhnika, 1(196), 145–152. https://doi.org/10.30837/rt.2019.1.196.18


