Method of creating a radar network for hydrometeorological monitoring of the atmosphere


  • Б.В. Перелыгин Одесский государственный экологический университет, Ukraine



hydrometeorological monitoring of the atmosphere, radar network, method of creating


It is proposed to place radars with a range of up to 100 kilometers in such a way that their totality forms a hexagonal grid on the ground, while the distance between adjacent radars should be equal to the range of radars, when creating a radar network for hydrometeorological monitoring of the atmosphere. Due to such a network construction, the capabilities of the radar method of monitoring the atmosphere are approaching the potentially possible and thus the quality of monitoring is improved.


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How to Cite

Перелыгин, Б. (2019). Method of creating a radar network for hydrometeorological monitoring of the atmosphere. Radiotekhnika, 1(196), 38–45.


