Diffraction of H-polarized wave by planar venetian-blind type grating


  • М.Е. Калиберда
  • Л.Н. Литвиненко
  • С.А. Погарский




graphene, venetian-blind type grating, operator equations


Diffraction of the plane H- polarized electromagnetic wave by finite graphene venetian-blind type grating is considered. The operator equations with respect to the spectral functions of the scattered field are presented. The reflection operator of a single graphene strip is obtained with the use of the method of singular integral equations. The dependencies of the total scattering and absorption cross section vs. frequency are represented.


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How to Cite

Калиберда, М., Литвиненко, Л., & Погарский, С. (2019). Diffraction of H-polarized wave by planar venetian-blind type grating. Radiotekhnika, 2(197), 38–42. https://doi.org/10.30837/rt.2019.2.197.04


