Software and hardware complex based on the STM32F407VG microcontroller for the study of vibra-tions with the LIS3DSH accelerometer




color models, RGB model, CMYK model, digital colorimeter, microcontroller


Commonly used color models are reviewed and analyzed, namely the RGB model and subtractive models, including CMY and CMYK. The characteristics of colorimeters based on the use of RGB, CMY and CMYK models have been studied. A comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of RGB and CMYK models was carried out.

The developed digital colorimeter allows for express control of color characteristics with high metrological accuracy and does not require a high level of qualification of service personnel. This device reproduces the perception of color by human vision, and its use is intended for both people with normal and impaired vision. The great advantage of this device is its mobility, the speed of measurements and the absence of the need for a specialized laboratory and highly qualified specialists.

Full-scale measurements of the output voltage on the photodiodes of the colorimeter corresponding to red, blue and green colors were carried out.


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How to Cite

Semenets, V., & Grigoriev, A. (2024). Software and hardware complex based on the STM32F407VG microcontroller for the study of vibra-tions with the LIS3DSH accelerometer. Radiotekhnika, 2(217), 128–132.


