Software and hardware complex based on the STM32F407VG microcontroller for studying vibrations with the LIS3DSH accelerometer




hardware and software complex, vibrations, accelerometer, software, register, interface; microcontroller


The statement of the problem of building a software-hardware complex based on the STM32F407VG microcontroller for studying vibrations with the LIS3DSH accelerometer is given.

A physical model of the system, including a microcontroller, three-axis digital LIS3DSH accelerometer, was designed and implemented, which is characterized by a low price of the technical solution. The interaction between the microcontroller and the accelerometer occurs through the SPI interface.

Specialized software of the system was developed and implemented, it includes a driver for setting up, collecting and processing data from the accelerometer and a corresponding software for plotting graphs of vibro acceleration signals in the time and frequency domains. The built-in software enables you to implement extensive functionality and is free to use.

The built system makes it possible to analyze vibration parameters in order to predict and prevent possible accidents, reducing the costs associated with the failure of expensive parts and components.


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How to Cite

Semenets, V., & Grigoriev, A. (2024). Software and hardware complex based on the STM32F407VG microcontroller for studying vibrations with the LIS3DSH accelerometer. Radiotekhnika, 1(216), 81–86.


