Synthesis and analysis of the trace detector of air objects of an interrogating radar system




radar system, interrogation radar system, synthesis, analysis, track, signal, decision, detector, method, an air object, surveillance system, information network


The paper considers the features of tracking air objects in existing information networks of radar systems for monitoring airspace. It is shown that the tracking is carried out according to the information of the primary radar surveillance systems, and the secondary radar surveillance systems are used as sources of additional radar information. But the transition to automatic dependent surveillance implies the mandatory use of only request radar surveillance systems. Therefore, the problems of formulating methods and algorithms for tracking air objects based on information from secondary radar surveillance systems are relevant. The specifics of the construction and operation of secondary radar surveillance systems differ significantly from primary radar surveillance systems. The work carried out the synthesis and analysis of the structure of the tracks detector of air objects by interrogating radar systems for monitoring the airspace, namely: a comparative analysis of the quality of identifying the tracks of air objects was carried out; the quality of information support to consumers of the airspace control system with the proposed structure was improved in comparison with the used information processing structure; it is shown that the quality of information support for consumers has more preferable indicators when using the signal processing method during acquisition with subsequent information merging; the influence of the readiness factor of aircraft transponders of interrogative radar systems on the quality of information support for consumers of the airspace control system was evaluated.


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How to Cite

Svyd, I., & Tkach, M. (2023). Synthesis and analysis of the trace detector of air objects of an interrogating radar system. Radiotekhnika, 1(212), 175–185.


