Synthesis of a complex algorithm for the operation of a radio-acoustic measuring complex


  • V.A. Tikhonov Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, Ukraine
  • A.V. Kartashov Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, Ukraine



remote sensing of the atmosphere, complex, algorithm, estimation of parameters, management, temperature, signal, synthesis, interference


Stations of radio-acoustic sounding of the atmosphere are a promising means of obtaining information about the altitudinal distribution of meteorological parameters in the Earth's atmosphere used in the process of solving current scientific and applied tasks to ensure aircraft flights, weather forecasting, etc. However, the effectiveness of the existing radio-acoustic means is insufficient, and there are practical needs for development of appropriate prospective structures and algorithms, which will be implemented when constructing specific stations designed to solve actual applied tasks.

The article presents a synthesis of the structural diagram of a promising radio-acoustic measuring complex (RAVC) and a complex algorithm of its functioning. It is shown that the process of the RAVC development can be reduced to the development of independent issues. They are as follows: synthesis (selection) of types of sounding radio and acoustic signals, their energy parameters, synthesis of spatial and temporal signal processing algorithms for optimal selection of useful information from signals received against a background of noise, development of complex management algorithms and complex adaptation to external conditions formed by the external environment, as well as development of technical means intended for the implementation of the specified algorithms. According to this task of synthesis (selection) of sounding signals for radio-acoustic systems of sounding the atmosphere in the design process, it should be a joint study of the characteristics and selection of two interdependent types of signals – electromagnetic and acoustic.


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How to Cite

Tikhonov, V., & Kartashov, A. (2023). Synthesis of a complex algorithm for the operation of a radio-acoustic measuring complex. Radiotekhnika, 1(212), 166–174.


