Experimental studies of a lidar emitter built according to the oscillator-amplifier scheme





lidar, oscillator, amplifier, flashlamp, resonator, pump


The results of experimental studies of the energy characteristics of the leader transmitter built according to the lamp-pumped organic-dye oscillator-amplifier scheme are presented. When constructing the lidar emitter according to the oscillator-amplifier scheme under conditions of constant pump density, the problem arises of choosing the ratio between the length of the active element of the generator and the length of the active medium of the traveling wave amplifier, which ensures the maximum efficiency of the entire emitter. The main objective of the work was experimental verification of the results of theoretical studies in order to determine the factors influencing the choice of the ratio of the lengths of the active elements of the generator and amplifier based on the organic dye rhodamine 6G with lamp pumping with their limited total length.

The results of the experiments confirm the theoretical conclusions that there are optimal ratios of the lengths of the generator and amplifier, at which the radiation energy is maximum. The limiting length of the amplifier and the energy of the emitter, built according to the scheme, the oscillator-amplifier are limited due to an increase in the intensity of the radiation that is amplified along the active element, as well as an increase in the intensity of the amplified noise.


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How to Cite

Tsopa, A., & Zarudny, A. (2023). Experimental studies of a lidar emitter built according to the oscillator-amplifier scheme. Radiotekhnika, 1(212), 127–133. https://doi.org/10.30837/rt.2023.1.212.11


