Influence of ferrimagnetic resonance on conversion of electromagnetic energy by a system consisting of two cylinders into a mechanical one




cylinder system, ferrimagnetic resonance, electromagnetic energy, conversion, mechanical energy


This work presents the analysis of the integral equation of macroscopic electrodynamics, the solution of the problem of diffraction of a plane polarized electromagnetic wave on a system consisting of two ferrite cylinders of radii corresponding to spatial resonance (R ≤ 0.1∙ λo, λо is the wavelength in free space ). The electromagnetic fields inside the first (second) cylinder are presented as the sum of the fields of the solitary first (second) cylinder, a plane-parallel wave falls on it and is scattered by the second (first) solitary cylinder. The expressions for the fields satisfy Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions for two cylinders, and integral equations. The influence of the distance between the centers of the cylinders on the strength of the electromagnetic field in the middle of the ferrite cylinders has been studied. It has been established that in a system consisting of two cylinders, a group resonance arises due to their mutual arrangement in space. The transformation of microwave energy on a system consisting of two ferrite cylinders depending on the value of their resonant radii at ferrimagnetic resonance has been studied. An inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave created by propagating in free space with a power flux density of 622 kW/m2 and a length of 3.2 cm reflected from a metal screen acts on a system of ferrite cylinders, the total length of which is 1.28 m, and the resonant radius is 3.863 mm with a force equal to 4 N. The results of studying the phenomenon of diffraction on a system consisting of two ferrite cylinders show that the total force with which the inhomogeneity of a standing electromagnetic wave acts on two cylinders is 2.8 times greater than the force acting on a solitary cylinder.


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How to Cite

Komarova, G. (2023). Influence of ferrimagnetic resonance on conversion of electromagnetic energy by a system consisting of two cylinders into a mechanical one. Radiotekhnika, 1(212), 102–114.


