Cryptanalysis of the system based on word problems using logarithmic signatures


  • Y. Kotukh Сумський державний університет, Ukraine
  • T. Okhrimenko Національний авіаційний університет, Ukraine
  • O. Dyachenko Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine
  • N. Rotaneva Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine
  • L. Kozina Національний університет "Чернігівська політехніка", Ukraine
  • D. Zelenskyi Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки, Ukraine



postquantum cryptography, logarithmic signature, group theory, coverage, cryptanalysis


Rapid development and advances of quantum computers are contributing to the development of public key cryptosystems based on mathematically complex or difficult problems, as the threat of using quantum algorithms to hack modern traditional cryptosystems is becoming much more real every day. It should be noted that the classical mathematically complex problems of factorization of integers and discrete logarithms are no longer considered complex for quantum calculations. Dozens of cryptosystems were considered and proposed on various complex problems of group theory in the 2000s. One of such complex problems is the problem of the word. One of the first implementations of the cryptosystem based on the word problem was proposed by Magliveras using logarithmic signatures for finite permutation groups and further proposed by Lempken et al. for asymmetric cryptography with random covers. The innovation of this idea is to extend the difficult problem of the word to a large number of groups. The article summarizes the known results of cryptanalysis of the basic structures of the cryptosystem and defines recommendations for ways to improve the cryptographic properties of structures and the use of non-commutative groups as basic structures.


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How to Cite

Kotukh, Y. ., Okhrimenko, T. ., Dyachenko, O. ., Rotaneva, N. ., Kozina, L. ., & Zelenskyi, D. . (2021). Cryptanalysis of the system based on word problems using logarithmic signatures. Radiotekhnika, 3(206), 106–114.


