Basic principles and results of comparison of electronic signatures properties of the postquantum period based on algebraic lattices




algebraic lattices, algorithm, electronic signature, basic parameters, post-quantum cryptography


The paper considers post-quantum projects of the Falcon and Dilithium electronic signature standards (ES), which are finalists of the NIST USA competition. The mathematical apparatus of algebraic lattices and appropriate methods are used in their construction. In further study and comparison of these post-quantum ES draft standards, both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, it is fundamental to substantiate the requirements for parameters and keys and in general to calculate the main indicators according to the accepted conditional and unconditional criteria. In such studies, it is important to determine the sufficiency of ensuring the guarantee of their security against classical, quantum, special and error-based attacks. This can be ensured, inter alia, through a reasonable choice of the sizes of common parameters and keys, and their practical construction in accordance with the adopted security model. However, when choosing the sizes of common parameters and keys, a significant contradiction arises between the properties of the draft of the Falcon and Dilithium ES standards, So increasing the size of the general parameters and keys leads to an increase in the complexity of transformations, and vice versa. The purpose of this article consists in analysis of problematic issues of choosing the size of parameter and keys for post-quantum ES projects based on mathematical methods of Falcon and Dilithium, and features of their implementation, including implementation according to the adopted security model. Comparative analysis of the stability and complexity of the Falcon and Dilithium ES draft standards depending on the size of the parameters and keys, including for 6 and 7 security levels. Development of proposals for decisions on the adoption of national post-quantum ES standards based on the mathematical methods Falcon and Dilithium. Determining the influence of unconditional, conditional and pragmatic criteria on the advantages when deciding on the ES standardization based on Falcon and Dilithium mathematical methods, including taking into account the availability of patents and the need to obtain licenses, etc.


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How to Cite

Gorbenko, I. ., Kachko, O. ., Potii, O. ., Oleksiychuk, A. ., Gorbenko, Y. ., Yesina, M. ., Stelnyk, I. ., & Ponomar, V. . (2021). Basic principles and results of comparison of electronic signatures properties of the postquantum period based on algebraic lattices. Radiotekhnika, 2(205), 5–21.


