Possibility of using CMS Maple to study laws of distribution of random variables





statistics, distribution law, random variable, computer mathematics system, Maple


The use of CMS Maple for students' practical and independent work is described. The study of random variable distribution laws is actual.

Statistical calculations without computer are difficult and require many functional and quintiles tables of standard distributions. This does not contribute to feeling the element of novelty in the material being studied, to be able to arbitrarily change the conditions of tasks, etc., it takes a lot of time in solving applied production problems, which is inappropriate

Thus to determine and research random variable distribution laws both in practical applications and in studying we must use special mathematical packages. The most extended of them are Mathcad, MatLab, Mathematica, Maple. Specialized statistical packages (SAS, SPSS, STATISTIKA, STATGRAPHICS) are not relevant to study. Their use for studying requires very high education level in mathematical statistics.

Most of the existing math packages allow users to operate at random variables, including the Computer Mathematics System (CMS) Maple.

Thus, the purpose of this article is a description of the studying possibilities of the random variables distribution laws with CMS Maple and the application of the acquired skills to the independent work of students.

The Maple Statistics Library has a large set of commands for analyzing data, computing various numerical characteristics of random variables, graphing their distribution laws, and for statistical data processing.

Thanks to a powerful set of statistical tools, the possibility of symbolic calculations and data processing of CMS Maple, wide possibilities of graphical interpretation of the results obtained not only in a static but also in a dynamic form, it is advisable to use it when studying the topic "Distribution Laws of Random Variables" in students' practical and independent work to use their acquired skills in solving applied problems of science and technology.


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How to Cite

Moshchenko, I. ., Nikitenko, O. ., & Kozlov, Y. . (2021). Possibility of using CMS Maple to study laws of distribution of random variables. Radiotekhnika, 1(204), 128–134. https://doi.org/10.30837/rt.2021.1.204.15


