Semantic analysis of fluctuations of a radar pack for identification of air objects


  • V. Zhyrnov Харьковский национальный университет радиоэлектроники, НИЦ интегрированных радиоэлектронных систем и технологий, Ukraine
  • S. Solonskaya Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, Ukraine



semantic analysis, radar signal, identification, interfering reflections, air object


A method for semantic analysis of amplitude fluctuations of the radar pack to identify air objects in surveillance radars has been developed and implemented in software. This method is based on the determination of semantic components at the stage of formation and analysis of the symbolic model of a burst of impulse signals from mobile aircraft. Signal information is described by the predicate function of the process knowledge of the formation and analysis of the symbolic model of a burst of impulse signals from mobile aircraft such as an airplane, helicopter, UAV, and from atmospheric inhomogeneities of the angel-echo type. As a result of semantic analysis of the amplitude fluctuations, classification distinguishing attributes of fluctuations from interfering reflections and air objects are obtained. The semantic components of the decision-making algorithm, which are similar to decision-making algorithms by the operator, are investigated. In the developed algorithm, the signal information is described by a predicate function on the set of amplitudes of burst pulses exceeding a certain threshold value. Identification of the types of fluctuations is carried out by solving the developed equations of predicate operations. Based on these equations, a functional diagram of automatic determination of the fluctuation types is synthesized. The verification of the developed method was carried out on real data obtained on a survey centimeter-band radar (pulse duration 1 μs, sounding frequency 365 Hz, survey period 10 s). Based on these data, types of characteristic packs of radar signals are simulated. According to the results of the experiments, they were all correctly identified.


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How to Cite

Zhyrnov, V., & Solonskaya, S. (2020). Semantic analysis of fluctuations of a radar pack for identification of air objects. Radiotekhnika, 4(203), 197–203.


