Digital technology in probing the ionosphere by the incoherent scatter method


  • Е.В. Рогожкин
  • В.А. Пуляев


An example of the implementation procedure, which allows you to restore the height profile of the incoherent scatter signal power is presented. It is the basis for calculating the distribution along the altitude of the electron density. The aim is to reduce errors and improve the high-altitude resolution of these parameters. Recovery is achieved by introducing the supporting analytical function into the calculations, which is characterized by a polynomial. This feature further connects the value of the power readings from adjacent of ionospheric plots. It allows realizing the procedure, which compensates the smoothing effect caused by using a long probing radiopulse.


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How to Cite

Рогожкин, Е., & Пуляев, В. (2016). Digital technology in probing the ionosphere by the incoherent scatter method. Radiotekhnika, 4(187), 54–57. Retrieved from


