Complex optimality criterion for load balancing with multipath routing in telecommunications networks of non-uniform topology


  • Амаль Мерсни
  • А.Е. Ильяшенко


The improvement of the flow-based load balancing model for multipath routing in telecommunications networks with non-uniform topology was proposed through transition to complex optimality criterion of the obtained solutions. The proposed criterion is of the linear-quadratic nature, which made it possible to ensure a more detailed account of each network link utilization separately and substantiated the choice of routes with the maximum capacity and minimum number of hops during the implementation of the multipath routing strategy. As shown by the comparative analysis, the results of use of the improved model allowed achieving the order of routing and load balancing over the set of the calculated paths, whereby the average packet end-to-end delay was improved for 8-23% in comparison with the most effective single path and multipath solutions.


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How to Cite

Мерсни, А., & Ильяшенко, А. (2016). Complex optimality criterion for load balancing with multipath routing in telecommunications networks of non-uniform topology. Radiotekhnika, 4(187), 25–33. Retrieved from


