Adaptive algorithms for elimination of electromyographic noise in the signal of the electrocardiogram


  • Н.О. Тулякова
  • А.Н. Трофимчук
  • А.Е. Стрижак


Adaptive filtering algorithms for removing electromyigraphic (EMG) noise from electrocardiographic signal (ECG) are considered. Statistical characteristics of suppressing noise, described by symmetric a-stable distribution that models EMG, are obtained for mean square error and signal-to-noise ratio using numerical simulations for test ECG signal, registered with a stampling rate of 500 Hz. It is shown that the proposed adaptive myriad filters provide a high quality of the EMG removal in the ECG with a possible realization of processing in real time.


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How to Cite

Тулякова, Н., Трофимчук, А., & Стрижак, А. (2017). Adaptive algorithms for elimination of electromyographic noise in the signal of the electrocardiogram. Radiotekhnika, 1(188), 70–78. Retrieved from


