Methods of orientation, navigation and control of mobile robot technical platforms


  • В.М. Карташов
  • В.А. Посошенко
  • Р.И. Цехмистро
  • Л.П. Тимошенко
  • М.М. Колендовская



mobile robots, robotic platform, systems of orientation, navigation methods, ultrasonic methods.


We have considered the destination of a mobile robotic platform, its structure and also the destination of the main structural elements of a similar autonomous device. A modern robotic complex is supposed to function independently, have flexible device structure and also have a possibility to work under control of an operator. We have analyzed the existing and perspective methods of orientation and navigation of autonomous robotic platforms. It has been shown that high functional results of robotic complexes are possible to reach by implementation of contemporary achievements in the area of fundamental and applied research and using various physical principles to create detectors of dimensional orientation and prompt reaction to the environmental changes. We have separately considered ultrasonic methods of the mobile robots orientation. In this aspect, active and passive ways of mobile robots orientation using single and group ultrasonic detectors have been marked. In addition, the use of phase-sensitive detectors of ultrasonic range-finders is of great interest, especially when creating the control subsystems of several simultaneously functioning platforms. It has been offered to use complex systems of orientation and navigation in mobile robots as the most perspective way of increasing their functionality and universality.


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How to Cite

Карташов, В., Посошенко, В., Цехмистро, Р., Тимошенко, Л., & Колендовская, М. (2019). Methods of orientation, navigation and control of mobile robot technical platforms. Radiotekhnika, 4(199), 38–44.


