A study of the applicability of the SMT/SAT-based theorem proves for Keccak hash functions cryptanalysis


  • Е.Г. Качко
  • Д.К. Телевный


SMT, SAT, theorem, cryptanalysis, Keccak, CNF


The study is devoted to the problem of using the SMT proves for Keccak-p cryptanalysis in different steps. The article describes the possibilities to use the SMT/SAT exemplified with the search for pre-images of hash-function, SMT approaches to formal verifications in modeling, descriptions of existing tools and libraries.


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How to Cite

Качко, Е., & Телевный, Д. (2017). A study of the applicability of the SMT/SAT-based theorem proves for Keccak hash functions cryptanalysis. Radiotekhnika, 2(189), 75–80. Retrieved from http://rt.nure.ua/article/view/183315


