Algebraic immunity of non-linear components of symmetric ciphers


  • О.О. Кузнецов
  • Ю.І. Горбенко
  • І.М. Білозерцев
  • А.В. Андрушкевич
  • О.П. Наріжний


Methods for calculating the algebraic immunity of cryptographic Boolean functions and non-linear components (substitutions) of symmetric ciphers have been studied. The results of the comparative analysis of algebraic immunity of non-linear nodes of symmetric ciphers are given.


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How to Cite

Кузнецов, О., Горбенко, Ю., Білозерцев, І., Андрушкевич, А., & Наріжний, О. (2017). Algebraic immunity of non-linear components of symmetric ciphers. Radiotekhnika, 2(189), 47–58. Retrieved from


