Estimates of the probability of reversibility of random polynomials used in the modified version of NTRU cryptosystem


  • А.Н. Алексейчук
  • А.А. Матийко


asymmetric cryptography, ring of truncated polynomials, NTRU, trigonometric sums method


Using the trigonometric sums method we obtain analytical bounds for the probability of reversibility of polynomials used as secret keys in a modified version of NTRU encryption scheme. We show that the obtained bounds are applicable in practice to choosing the long-term parameters of the encryption scheme.


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How to Cite

Алексейчук, А., & Матийко, А. (2017). Estimates of the probability of reversibility of random polynomials used in the modified version of NTRU cryptosystem. Radiotekhnika, 2(189), 38–46. Retrieved from


